Integrate Wellness Center Blog

Prenatal Chiropractic care in Orlando FL

Prenatal Chiropractic care in Orlando FL

Prenatal Chiropractic care in Orlando FL 💡Research shows that regular chiropractic care during pregnancy leads to:💡⁣ ⁣ ✨84% less pain throughout pregnancy ⁣ ✨labor time can decrease by 24%⁣ ✨a decrease in labor time by 39% if momma has had multiple births, ⁣ ✨less complications during the birthing process⁣ ⁣ Chiropractic care while pregnant is…

Parents! Here’s How Chiropractic Helps With Stress in Orlando FL

Parents! Here’s How Chiropractic Helps With Stress in Orlando FL

Parents! Here’s how chiropractic helps with stress in Orlando FL Parenting in Orlando FL while in a fight-or-flight state is EXHAUSTING & OVERWHELMING! how chiropractic helps parents with stress In Orlando FL We know parenting can be tough, and we all get stressed…But when your nervous system is stuck in a fight-or-flight state, symptoms like…

Chiropractic Care For Newborns Orlando FL

Chiropractic Care For Newborns Orlando FL

Chiropractic Care For Newborns in Orlando FL “The infants ability to suck, swallow, and breathe during feeding is controlled by 6 cranial nerves and some 60 muscles, acting on 20 bones in the infant skull.” – Mary Kroeger: Author of Impact of Birthing Practices on Breastfeeding The Reason Why In Orlando FL THIS is why…

Trauma Patterns & How Network Spinal And Chiropractic Care Helps in Orlando FL

Trauma Patterns & How Network Spinal And Chiropractic Care Helps in Orlando FL

Trauma Patterns & How Network Spinal And Chiropractic Care Helps in Orlando FL “Trauma compromises our ability to engage with others by replacing patterns of connection with patterns of protection.” – Stephen Porges Trauma, whether physical, emotional or both, alters the body’s ability to heal and thrive. At our Orlando Fl chiropractic clinic, we know…

Chiropractic Care and Sensory Challenges in Orlando FL

Chiropractic Care and Sensory Challenges in Orlando FL

Symptoms of ADHD, ASD and Sensory challenges and how Chiropractic care helps in Orlando FL! We get it parents – you’re exhausted. You’ve checked genetics. Removed gluten. Tried rewards charts, then discipline and punishment. You’ve been encouraged and seen some progress, but then seen the past year really create even more stress and tension, and…

Symptoms Show Up As Patterns In the Body – How Chiropractic Care Works in Orlando FL

Symptoms Show Up As Patterns In the Body – How Chiropractic Care Works in Orlando FL

Symptoms Show Up As Patterns In The Body – How Chiropractic Care Works In Orlando FL Did you know that symptoms show up as patterns in your body? Continue reading to learn if your body is following a healthy pattern. Please feel free to contact our Orlando FL chiropractic clinic with any questions. Your Health…